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The smallest detail can make the biggest impact…

Over the last couple of days since we’ve shared the news that we're moving back to Australia with our community across the world, it’s been overwhelming to read all the comments and offers of help and prayer as we navigate this new adventure.

As I’ve read all the comments, messages and visited people who, with tears in their eyes, have shared how thankful they are for our family and how much they are going to miss us, I am stunned at the impact we’ve had in such a short time.

If these last 2 years have taught me anything it’s that sometimes the smallest things have the biggest impact!

In Luke chapter 9 we read the story about the little boy who offer his lunch of 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread to Jesus to help feed 5,000 plus people.

I often wonder what went through that little boy‘s mind that prompted him to offer such an insignificant solutions to a huge problem.

But that little boy’s small contribution in the hands of the Master miracle worker saved the day!

The story in Luke chapter 9 goes on to say that not only were the 5,000 plus people fed but there were 12 baskets of left overs!

NEVER underestimate what God will do with what you offer when you do it out of obedience, faith and a pure heart!!

My hope and prayer every day is that every person I meet will walk away from our encounter feeling valued, heard and maybe a little bit more inspired to be brave and take the next step on their journey.

You may feel like you don’t make a difference but to the waitress who you said thank you to with a genuine smile, you changed the outcome of her day. To the person whose call you took and just listened without judgement but gave encouragement, you’ve made them feel valued and heard.

Don’t underestimate the small details...they matter!!

Today what do your loaves and fishes look like? What can you offer to God and allow Him to use to work a miracle?



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