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The journey begins...

Today marks one week until we leave the USA and return to Australia.

Was this planned? Absolutely not! There are so many emotions we are processing - shock, confusion, a little bit of fear and stress but also an incredible peace in the midst of the unknown.

If you read my blog 'One step at a time', you will know that I'm not a fan of curve balls but they seem to find me. How do we deal with the unexpected? One step at a time.

Well today is another step in the journey and I want to invite you to come along for the ride!

Psalm 37:23 (NLT) 'The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.'

I hope as you join me on our journey, you are inspired and encouraged to step out and do what you feel God is calling you to do - even if it's scary!!

I am just an ordinary person trusting an extraordinary God!!

1 Comment

Mar 29, 2022

Emma I am in awe and praying you there and safely landed. My big brave scary thing at present is stepping into the lion's den as first Chair of the C of E's new Independent Safeguarding Board and asking a 500-plus year old loosely federated amalgam of bodies to step into proactive rather than only reactive and historical, preventive rather than only "mending its brokenness" mindful and habitual safeguarding of ALL its people, broken or whole or a bit of both, young and old alike. So many people feel wary. Want the tiny Board to change the world and make it right, on our own. Do you remember me sharing the sheet music for "Will you let me be your…


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