One step at a time...
For me this week has felt like I'm drinking from a fire hose!!
I'm not a fan of curve balls but they seem to find me. When that happens we get to choose what happens next - do we react or respond?
My default setting is usual self protect or fix it mode. The armour goes on, the task list comes out and I become a human bulldozer. The carnage isn't pretty!
But when I take a moment to stop, process and then decide what happens next, the carnage is minimal and the outcomes are usually much better.
I love this quote;
It reminds me that the most important step is the next step.
The only way you're going to overcome or achieve is one step at a time!
One step at a time means one moment at a time, one decision at a time. Whether you're facing a challenge or just wanting to accomplish your goal, give yourself grace for the next moment.