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Keep Walking...

One thing I have learned after 44 years on earth is that life is hard! But life without faith is harder!!

My life has definitely been diverse. I grew up the fifth of six children in the suburbs of Sydney Australia. My parents were (and still are) hard working people, my father running his own construction company and my mother a clinical nurse specialist. My siblings and I were private school educated from High School which meant a daily commute of around 2-3 hours depending on public transport. I was given so many opportunities to travel and experience different things that probably would not have been available had I attended the local public school.

I am so thankful my parents showed us that the world is small and life is what you make it. There is no dream too big and there are many ways to get to your destination. The thing I’m most thankful for is that Dad would make sure we were in church every Sunday.

Church is where I found a safe place to grow and figure out who I am. I saw strength where there was weakness in my own life, I found encouragement when there was disappointment, I found purpose when I had no clue what to do. I found REAL in a world that is continually fake. I had permission to ask questions and wrestle with things that my mind couldn’t comprehend. I discovered that God is big enough for all my emotions. I found friends that believe I am better than I think I am and remind me that I’m not all that when my ego starts to take over.

At 19, I attend Bible college with big dreams and aspirations of changing the world for Jesus! Anyone who has been to college will know that while you’re there your theology and faith will be taken apart, scrambled, challenged and put back together. When I graduated my husband and I got married and started our ministry journey. Our road was different from the definition of success that usually follows Bible college, we went back into the workforce and were lay ministers for 17 years.

What I discovered during those years (and continue to learn) is that ministry isn’t a platform or a title. It’s a daily choice to serve God where you are at.

In Luke 9:23 Jesus says to his disciples ‘If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.’

Ministry happens in the daily moments of serving your employer, raising your children, loving your spouse, checking on your friends, signing up to serve food to the homeless, writing notes to people you haven’t seen in a while, encouraging people on social media rather than tearing people down.

My life is not what I expected. 7 years ago we took a step of faith and moved from Australia to the UK to pursue ministry opportunities. 18 months ago we moved from the UK to the USA for the same reason. God has been so kind and faithful and has blessed us beyond measure and looking back we can see his hand in every part of the journey.

Looking back is easy, looking forward and not being able to see the destination is a whole lot harder.

Our transition to the USA has been far from ideal but as we walk one step at a time I have an assurance that we don’t walk alone. Is it easy - absolutely not!! There are good days and there are really bad days. There are times when it gets too hard and I just want to go back to what I know but then there are days and moments that remind us that God bought us here for a reason. It’s the relief of the mother who can share the burden of her child’s challenging season, it's the joy on the face of the person who was on the outside but was welcomed in and is now finding purpose and connection and love. It’s the smile on the elderly lady who is so thankful for the visit and to feel like she isn’t forgotten, it’s watching my staff take a leap of faith and soar.

So many people walking this journey of life give up too early.

Deuteronomy 3:16 says ‘So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

You are not alone! You were never created to walk through life alone, that’s why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit - to be our comforter, our guide, our help, our director. Everything you need you can find in Jesus.

A song I learnt as a little girl has become my prayer, my reminder, my encouragement;

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow (and today!)

Because He lives, all fear is gone (sometimes prayed in faith)

Because I know, I know, He holds the future

And life is worth the living just because He lives.

(Songwriters - Bill and Gloria Gaither)

Whatever your journey today, keep walking!! Your destination is assured if you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus!



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