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Home really is where the heart is...

If the last three weeks have taught me anything it's that people are of so much more value than possessions!

Now that I've finally had a minute to reflect on the chaos of the last two months, I'm reminded that you can accumulate 'stuff' but the home you create is portable and long lasting if you create it well.

Two months ago my life looked very different! I was living in a different country, continuing the daily rhythm of our family. I had a job I loved and was excited about future opportunities and possibilities. And then the curve ball hit and everything changed!

In the midst of the unexpected we found peace and God's incredible kindness and provision, but the journey was not one I asked for or found easy. People would say to me 'You are so calm about this situation', my response, 'I'm a duck on a pond - calm on the surface but under the water my legs are paddling madly to try and keep up!'

There were times I wanted to hide at 'home' but life goes on and you have to embrace change even if you don't like it...

Home can mean many different things depending on how you grew up. The Oxford Dictionary defines home as 'the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.' The Collins Dictionary defines our spiritual home as 'the place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there'.

My definition of 'Home' is 'the place where I live and feel I belong. I am valued, accepted and loved unconditionally and will always be welcome'

As we were packing up our belongings to come back to Australia, friends were sad for us as we had to sell or give away furniture or 'stuff' that we had accumulated. I was the opposite because, for us, it's the people we met, the experiences we had, the impact we made and the relationships we continue to cultivate that mean so much more than stuff!

We are still in the 'figuring out what life is now' stage but my 'home' is with me! My husband and my two children are my greatest treasure and I'm so thankful for incredible friends across the world who continue to encourage me, check on me and propel me forward on this crazy adventure called life!!

Home really is where the heart is....



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