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He restores my soul...

I can't believe it's been 2 months since we hopped on a plane and moved back to Australia...time has gone so quickly yet so slowly!

After 8 years living away from Australia, everything is so familiar but different. People we remember as children have become adults, reunions with family and friends have felt like we saw each other yesterday and traffic is just as bad as it was before we left - maybe a little worse!

There is still so much unknown in our journey and it can be a scary place but if the last 8 years has taught me anything, it's that God doesn't change his personality. He remains faithful and His promises aren't subject to change.

In Sydney we live about 25 minutes from the beach. On Sundays after church, Paul and I often buy fish and chips and enjoy lunch while watching the waves roll onto the shore at Cronulla Beach. There is comfort watching the rhythm of the waves as one after the other, they break on the shore and then retreat to make room for the next one.

For me the beach is where I can refocus and breathe. It gives me space to remember, in the midst of the unknown, that God doesn't leave me to walk this road alone.

There is peace in the reminder!

Deuteronomy 31:8 says "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Whatever your season, find a place where you can relax, refocus and breathe - a place where you can restore your soul and experience that God-given peace that surpasses understanding!



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